
arXiv 2003.12545v1

Quantum-Enhanced Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes Using Quadrature Squeezing and Continuous Variable Entanglement

Michael R Grace, Christos N. Gagatsos, Quntao Zhuang, Saikat Guha

  • quant-ph
  • physics.optics

We analyze a fiber-optic gyroscope design enhanced by the injection of quantum-optical squeezed vacuum into a fiber-based Sagnac interferometer. In the presence of fiber loss, we compute the maximum attainable enhancement over a classical, laser-driven fiber-optic gyroscope in terms of the angular velocity estimate variance from a homodyne measurement. We find a constant enhancement factor that depends on the degree of squeezing introduced into the system but has diminishing returns beyond $10$--$15$ dB of squeezing. Under a realistic constraint of fixed total fiber length, we show that segmenting the available fiber into multiple Sagnac interferometers fed with a multi-mode-entangled squeezed vacuum, thereby establishing quantum entanglement across the individual interferometers, improves the rotation estimation variance by a factor of $eapprox2.718$.

CQN Authors

Quntao Zhuang

Assistant Professor

University of Southern California, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

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Saikat Guha

Director, Center for Quantum Networks
Nasser Peyghambarian Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences

University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences

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