Thrust 3: Quantum Materials, Devices, and Fundamentals

Solving engineering challenges and fostering collaboration.

About Thrust 3

Quantum repeaters, as well as other special-purpose quantum computing devices like networking gateways, will require quantum memories, as well as spin-photon interfaces to interface qubits to the modern telecommunications infrastructure. Each of these subcomponents presents its own engineering challenges and requires collaboration across multiple disciplines.

Thrust 3 Projects

Color Center Quantum Memories

  • Modeling decoherence in a group IV vacancy in diamond color center qubits

Single Photon Detection

  • Delivering improvements in photon detection, and material-driven improvements in relevant metrics.

All-Photonic Cluster States

  • Generation of separable photon pairs for photonic entanglement and heralded single photons
  • Satisfying the group-velocity mismatch condition for generating a spectrally separable two-photon state at telecommunications wavelengths

Superconducting Spin Control

  • Leveraging the low loss in superconducting transmission lines for spin control of diamond vacancy spin qubits
  • Mechanically controlled spin memories for quantum networks

Qubit Conversion

  • Numerical modeling of multi-defect spin dynamics in a hyperfine field

Thrust 3 Lead

Marko LonĨar

Marko Loncar

Tiantsai Lin Professor of Electrical Engineering and Applied Physics
Harvard College Professor

Harvard University, John A. Paulson School of Engineering and Applied Sciences

View Profile


  • Thrust 2, Thrust 4 and Testbed
  • Realistic device metrics and capabilities
  • Device and material requirements for quantum repeater systems

Diversity & Culture of Inclusion

  • QuEST Participation
  • Diverse student recruitment
  • Mentoring

Engineering Workforce Development

  • Open-source materials and device theory, modeling, fabrication and characterization

Innovation Ecosystem

  • Application needs-driven device requirements and training opportunities
  • Versatile, reusable, multi-purpose scalable photonics quantum devices, IP