Thrust 1: Quantum Network Architecture

Designing the infrastructure to support future city scale quantum networks.

About Thrust 1

A team of computer scientists and network engineers is working with optical physicists and material scientists to design architectures and protocols for a quantum internet that seamlessly interoperates with the classical (conventional) internet. These protocols are being tested at the Tucson testbed.

The goal of Thrust 1 is to architect and build a Quantum Network, with its associated protocols, that provides shared entanglement and quantum information transfer reliably to users that both meets an appropriate application-driven networking quality metric, and is robust to noise, workload dynamics, eavesdroppers, and failures.

Thrust 1 Projects

Quantum Network Capacity

Developing algorithms for routing and scheduling entanglement flows in a quantum network.

Quantum Routing and Scheduling

Resource allocation policies that can achieve peak performance in the face of noise and memory decoherence

Quantum Network Tomography

Inferring a characterization for noise in the transmission of quantum information through links of a quantum network

Developing techniques, protocols, and algorithms for characterizing channels connecting network nodes such as repeaters and switches

Quantum Network Simulation

Developing predictive entanglement generation simulations

Establishing virtual quantum network labs

Developing a mixed-signal multi-formalism quantum simulator.

Thrust 1 Lead

Don Towsley

Don Towsley

Distinguished Professor

University of Massachusetts – Amherst, Manning College of Information & Computer Sciences

View Profile

Thrust 1 Pillar Integration


  • Hardware requirements & sub-system capabilities
  • Thrust 2, Thrust 4, and Research Testbeds
  • Applications Roadmap

Diversity & Culture of Inclusion

  • QuEST Participation
  • Diverse student recruitment
  • Mentoring

Engineering Workforce Development

  • Undergraduate internships
  • Development of Quantum Network courses and modules
  • Hands-on training

Innovation Ecosystem

  • Applications Roadmap
  • Inventions & patents
  • Protocols (QTCP)
  • Standards