
arXiv 2307.07875v1

Electrically interfaced Brillouin-active waveguide for multi-domain transduction

Yishu Zhou, Freek Ruesink, Margaret Pavlovich, Ryan Behunin, Haotian Cheng, Shai Gertler, Andrew L. Starbuck, Andrew J. Leenheer, Andrew T. Pomerene, Douglas C. Trotter, Katherine M. Musick, Michael Gehl, Ashok Kodigala, Matt Eichenfield, Anthony L. Lentine, Nils Otterstrom, Peter Rakich

  • physics.optics

New strategies to convert signals between optical and microwave domains could play a pivotal role in advancing both classical and quantum technologies. Through recent studies, electro-optomechanical systems have been used to implement microwave-to-optical conversion using resonant optical systems, resulting in transduction over limited optical bandwidth. Here, we present an optomechanical waveguide system with an integrated piezoelectric transducer that produces electro-optomechanical transduction over a wide optical bandwidth through coupling to a continuum of optical modes. Efficient electromechanical and optomechanical coupling within this system enables bidirectional optical-to-microwave conversion with a quantum efficiency of up to $-$54.16 dB. When electrically driven, this system produces a low voltage acousto-optic phase modulation over a wide ($>$100 nm) wavelength range. Through optical-to-microwave conversion, we show that the amplitude-preserving nature inherent to forward Brillouin scattering is intriguing and has the potential to enable new schemes for microwave photonic signal processing. We use these properties to demonstrate a multi-channel microwave photonic filter by transmitting an optical signal through a series of electro-optomechanical waveguide segments having distinct resonance frequencies. Building on these demonstrations, such electro-optomechanical systems could bring flexible strategies for modulation, channelization, and spectrum analysis in microwave photonics.

CQN Authors

Matthew Eichenfield

SPIE Endowed Chair in Optical Sciences
Associate Professor
Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff (Physics) and CINT Scientist: Sandia National Laboratories

University of Arizona, Wyant College of Optical Sciences

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